Watch Two Deleted Scenes From Ant-Man And The Wasp, Including One With Michelle Pfeiffer


Watch Two Deleted Scenes From Ant-Man And The Wasp, Including One With Michelle Pfeiffer

The Marvel Cinematic Universe was thrown into chaos with the events of Avengers: Infinity War, as Thanos succeeded, and wiped out half the galaxy with the snap of a finger. Marvel is releasing two blockbusters before we get any adventures, the first of which being Peyton Reed's Ant-Man and The Wasp. Fans were finally able to catch up with Paul Rudd's Ant-Man, while the cast was expanded to include the likes of Laurence Fishburne and Michelle Pfeiffer. The latter played Janet Van Dyne, a character whose abilities and time within the Quantum Realm is largely a mystery. Ant-Man and The Wasp will be made available for home purchase shortly, and now two deleted scenes have been released in advance. Check it out.

Pretty cool, right? Let's break down what we're being shown here-- because both of those deleted scenes are going to get comic fans very excited.

The first new Ant-Man and The Wasp scene features the film's bumbling villains, led by Walter Goggins' Sonny Burch. Bursch on pursuit of Hope and Hank throughout the entirety of the film, after their shady business deal went wrong in the first act. The father/daughter duo have a ton of tricks up their sleeve, and now we can learn more details about their stealth operation. Because in addition to having various growing and shrinking tech that helped the Pyms stay on the lamb, they also used their ant whispering to block security cameras. But one extra exterminator has the potential to ruin their plans-- as seen when Bursch catches the Pyms shrinking their lab and running away.

The other deleted scene, which comes to us from USA Today, focuses on the mysterious Quantum Realm, as well as the strange abilities Michelle Pfeiffer's Janet van Dyne acquired from her long stay. In addition to healing Ghost and possessing Scott, it seems that Janet also found a way to communicate with the various interdimensional creatures and portals. What's more, they know and understand her as well.

This brief scene brings even more confusion to The Quantum Realm, which will likely play a major role in the upcoming Avengers 4 movie. In the mid-credits scene of Ant-Man and The Wasp, it was revealed that Scott Lang was trapped in the Quantum Realm, after Hope, Janet, and Hank vanished due to Thanos' finger snap. In the above scene, Janet teases the universes the Quantum Realm has access to. Fans are theorizing that it may be the key to reversing Thanos' snap, or at least traveling through time.

While Avengers 4 won't arrive in theaters until May 3rd, 2019, you can own a copy of Ant-Man and The Wasp digitally October 2, 2018, and physically on October 16th. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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