Apparently Younger Star Wars Fans Are More Excited About Seeing Lando Than Han Solo


Apparently Younger Star Wars Fans Are More Excited About Seeing Lando Than Han Solo

Big things are coming to the Star Wars franchise later this month when Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters. The second Star Wars anthology film will flesh out the earlier years of everyone' favorite Corellian smuggler, and there's a lot of enthusiasm to see what Alden Ehrenreich can do with the role made famous by Harrison Ford. Having said that, it sounds like fan enthusiasm extends beyond Han himself, as it turns out that younger Star Wars fans are actually far more excited to see Donald Glover premiere as Lando Calrissian in the film.

According to new data that has surfaced about Solo: A Star Wars Story, and it looks like younger audiences have a lot of love for what Donald Glover is bringing to the role made iconic by Billy Dee Williams in The Empire Strikes Back. In a recent survey of 1,000 different moviegoers, and it was revealed that 50% of millennials are most excited to see the Lando element of Solo's story. This is a stark contrast to the Generation X respondents, who were reportedly more excited to see Alden Ehrenreich and his take on Han.

Luckily, the film's marketing campaign makes it look like the film won't skimp on Lando scenes. In fact, Lando's ownership of the Millennium Falcon has become a major focal point of the trailers and TV spots, and many fans have assumed that we will actually see Han win the legendary freighter from Lando at some point during Solo: A Star Wars Story's runtime. Moreover, the trailers have also shown scenes of Han and Lando fighting side by side so we can look forward to plenty of badass moments from both anti-heroes in their earlier years.

Of course, it's not all that difficult to understand why younger audiences would be so excited to see Lando Calrissian in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Donald Glover has become a household name over the course of the last decade, and his presence on the film has become one of the most talked about elements of the entire affair. Just running down his resume is impressive; the 34-year-old was a writer on 30 Rock, a stand-up comedian, a fan-favorite cast member on Community, a wildly successful musician with his career as Childish Gambino, a hit showrunner/actor/writer with his work on Atlanta, and a member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with his role in Spider-Man: Homecoming. And that's just handful of what he's worked on.

Han and Lando aren't the only things that respondents from this Atom Tickets survey want to see. In addition to these two classic characters, millennial respondents also showed interest in seeing an Obi-Wan spinoff film, while the Gen X category was interested in seeing a Yoda spinoff film.

Regardless of which character you're most excited to see, we will get a chance to watch the entire scoundrel corner of the Star Wars universe converge later this month when Solo: A Star Wars Story premieres on May 25. Make sure to check it out when it finally hits theaters and keep an eye out for more updates related to Star Wars: Episode IX and its December 20, 2019 release as well!

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