An Eagle-Eyed Fan Spotted A Fun Crossover Between Captain America And Thor


An Eagle-Eyed Fan Spotted A Fun Crossover Between Captain America And Thor

Marvel movies are always jam-packed with easter eggs, and while some of them are easy to spot, others are so tough to find that they don't surface until years after the movie comes out. People are still trying to find that final Guardians of the Galaxy easter egg, and now a fan has spotted a small crossover detail that connects the first Thor and Captain America films. Namely, both movies feature the same location of Tonsberg, Norway, which just so happens to be the town where the Red Skull found the Tesseract. Take a look.

Marvel was still figuring out its shared universe during Phase One, but the studio was able to draw connections between those early movies in the lead up to The Avengers. Some movies do this a bit more obviously like Iron Man 2 or Hawkeye appearing in Thor. Other times you get some harder-to-spot easter eggs like what we have today.

One fan by the name of comrade_batman posted to Reddit some picture from Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger. The pics show that Odin's battle against the Frost Giants in a Thor flashback takes place in Tonsberg, Norway in 965 A.D. Not a very major detail by itself, though trivia nuts may know that Tonsberg is said to be the oldest town in Norway and was founded by Vikings. That's a fun real-world fact, plus we know the MCU's Tonsberg is hiding a supernatural secret. The town appears again in Captain America: The First Avenger when the Red Skull and Hydra invade. Tonsberg is where the Tesseract, later revealed to be the Space Stone, is hidden.

This crossover between two movies was hidden right in plain sight, as the name of the town is placed right there on the screen for people to read. Still, it's a pretty fun connection of the variety that MCU fans love to eat up. It makes sense that Odin would choose Tonsberg as the location of the Tesseract, seeing as how he has so much history with the town. He probably thought the Infinity Stone would be well hidden on earth, which ultimately ended up not being the case.

Fans will have to tide themselves over with more behind-the-scenes hunts because it's going to be a while before the next Marvel movie hits theaters. The next MCU movie is Captain Marvel, which doesn't arrive until March 8, 2019. To learn more about the upcoming movie here's what we know about what's coming in the Marvel universe, as well as what's heading to theaters sooner with our handy 2018 movie release guide. For more movie news, be sure to keep it right here at CinemaBlend and we'll update you with new information as soon as it becomes available.

The town where Red Skull finds the Tesseract in Captain America: The First Avenger, is the same town that the Frost Giants fought Odin and the Asgardians in the Prologue of Thor. from

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