To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Men In Black International Ticket

Here come the Men (and Women) In Black, ready to defend the galaxy from the scum of the universe yet again. It's time to suit up for action once again, as Men In Black International arrives this weekend to cash in on a storied franchise and its continuing adventures. Which means, its also time to answer the greatest question in the search for the truth of the universe: to 3D, or not to 3D?
If youre curious as to how Men In Black International stacks up as a film, youll have to make your way to our official review to find that out. However, if youre ready to slip on the glasses, and let your eyes be treated to the potential thrills of a 3D conversion, were ready to help you find out whether this trip is worth the 3D money, or if youd be better off saving up for your own series 7 De-Atomizer.
The Men In Black series has always had a tendency to create images that highlight out of this world activity in the most interesting ways. Considering the action in films like Men In Black International has always lent itself to a sort of an exaggerated reality, the 3D treatment has felt at home with the series since it was first used in 2012s Men In Black 3. So having director F. Gary Grays entry into the series come at the audience with potential 3D thrills is something that sits well with franchise history, as well as modern business practices.
The level of 3D conversion on Men In Black International is quite impressive, both in terms of 3D presentations on the whole, and especially considering this years efforts in the medium at large. This is a crisp, clear presentation that doesnt strain the eyes at all, and doesnt forget to throw in some 3D thrills into its options package. Even something as simple as the point of view of Kumail Nanjianis Pawny looking at Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompsons characters manages to get augmented into a visual gag. The only real flaw present in Men In Black Internationals 3D viewing were a couple of shots that had a sort of weird, clear smudging around some characters in frame during the portion of the film set in Greece. Theyre only noticeable if youre looking at the images hard enough.
Most films use the Before The Window factor to throw objects out of the screen, point guns out into the audience, and have cool shots of spacecraft flying straight at the camera. Men In Black International does indeed have all of those things, and it does them well. However, the most impressive part about the films 3D presentation is the fact that theres some seriously awesome moments of perspective enhancing visuals that come at the audience. Again, when Pawny is looking at Agent H and Agent M, you get the sense of the scale in that scene, as their faces stick out a little more and everything looks a little bigger. Even something as simple as Agent H sitting in a job interview makes sure to protrude the arms of her character out to the audience, as if youre sitting right in front of her.
Depth for days. Thats basically what Men In Black International has to give the audience when showcasing all of the exotic locales that the film takes place in. Street markets have that extra sense of endless depth, and a sequence involving a wormhole between dimensions is quite breathtaking when you stare into the frame and see just how deep everything seems to go. Even something as simple as opening a window, or watching characters move through a scene adds an edge to the scenes at hand.
Most of the time in our To 3D Or Not To 3D feature, youll hear us banging on about how the brightness wasnt up to snuff. Even with the best of 3D intentions, the image on the screen gets washed out once you put on those famous glasses. But with Men In Black International, theres a degree of stunning clarity that persists through that very stumbling block. Now mileage will vary, depending on how well your theater in question maintains their projection rigs, so make sure you go with someone you trust. That said, as far as the presentation of Men In Black International observed for this feature goes, its really damned solid.
In the 3D universe, blur is the thing that binds the overall product on a conversion job. Taking off your glasses during a 3D movie like Men In Black International allows you to see just how blurry the picture gets. So when you see something as blurry as the picture for this film looks without those glasses, youre usually in for a treat. Theres a strong blur factor throughout the image, with the standard 2D anchor points that help keep the image grounded. But those two-dimensional elements arent distracting in the overall 3D scheme of things, especially when theres so much of the Men In Black universe that depends on clever background gags and set dressing.
When 3D sucks, a lot of things can happen that affect your situational health. Your eyes become tired or confused, and in some cases, you might feel queasy from the action being shown. Absolutely none of this is true with Men In Black International, as this happens to be one of the easiest experiences to enjoy in the realm of third dimensional thrills. When walking out of the theater, you wont feel tired or strained when you take those glasses off, and thats pretty spectacular when coming out of a modern 3D experience.
While the film may not be gaining a lot of friends in the critical community, from a 3D standpoint its pretty obvious that Men In Black International is best enjoyed with the added bells and whistles. A prime example of the sort of fun the right 3D conversion can add to the film, its without question an experience that audiences should try and take when they have the opportunity. If youre going to see this film anyway, make sure you dont forget to add the 3D fun to your ticket.
Be Sure to visit our full To 3D Or Not To 3D Archive.

Critics hate Men in Black: International at 25% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is the lowest of the four after Men in Black (92% fresh), Men in Black II (39%) and MIB 3 (68% fresh).
MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL - Official Trailer - YouTube

Bing News. To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Men In Black International Ticket Here come the Men (and Women) In Black, ready to defend the galaxy from the scum of the universe yet again.
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Is Men In Black: International worth the extra 3D ticket money, or are you better off saving up for a Series 7 De-Atomizer? Let To 3D or Not To 3D help you decide!
To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Men In Black International

To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Men In Black International

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Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to Comscore: 1. "Men in Black: International," $73.7 million.
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MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL - Official Trailer This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. The Men in Black have always protected the Earth from the scum of the
MEN IN BLACK 4: INTERNATIONAL Trailer (2019) - YouTube
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